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Your Health

Learning About You

How do you feel about your health as you age?


  • Has your metabolism begun to slow down?

  • Are you fatigued?

  • Do you suffer from weight gain and belly bloating?

  • Do you live with stiffness and pain in your joints?

  • Does poor sleep leave you feeling anxious and depressed in the morning?

  • Are you are living with a diagnosed illness, like heart disease, diabetes, or an auto immune condition? 

  • Have you been led to believe these are normal signs of aging?


Most importantly would you like to improve these conditions through your own human power and healing potential? Lets work together to uncover the answers to your questions, to motivate you to become the best version of yourself.   LETS DO THIS!

“How To Trust Yourself To Change Habits”

Top 10 Healthy Tips

No matter where you are in your efforts to design a life of vitality and health the lifestyle behaviors listed here are indisputably the ones to stick to. Diets and fads come and go, but these 10 things never change:

1 Eat Plants

No getting around this. The phyto nutrition in plants can’t be beat for infusing the body with the stuff that made us. Vitamins, minerals, fiber, and sunshine are all required fuel for the human body. 


2 Eat Fruit

Fruit, like veggies is ideal fuel. It also hydrates, offers fiber, and is a tasty way to meet our desire for something sweet. Berries in particular are low in sugar yet sweet enough to bring a smile to your face!

 Eat High Quality Protein

Moderate amounts provide the enzymes needed for energy and repair.  Find grass-fed, local and humanly raised options, factory farming is dangerous not just for our animal brethren but for the earth and our health. 

4  Move Your Body Every Day

Movement is one of the most powerful, life affirming activities you can do. It changes brain chemistry, delays aging, builds strength and flexibility in body, mind and spirit. 

5  Time In The Natural World

The earth made us and the earth keeps us sane, balanced and strong. Fresh air, sunshine and earth on the feet are medicine. 

New Science and The Evolution of Medicine
  • How has the role of a doctor changed over the years?
  • Are there better ways to treat the kinds of health problems that can usually only be managed, not cured?
  • How do you gather evidence on therapies that involve not only the body but also the mind?

The Answer:  The role of the doctor is rapidly changing as about 60-85 percent of our citizenry are now using some form of preventative and more natural approaches to wellness and healing with great success. The evidence is well documented that lifestyle change,  not pharmaceutical intervention, gets to the root cause of many of today’s degenerative disease and often times restores function and wellness to the patient. 

Functional Medicine Health Coaching


Functional Medicine Health Coaching is different because not only has your coach been trained in the art of positive psychology and the therapeutic encounter, but is also well versed in the most recent scientific break-throughs in the field of Functional Medicine which is literally exploding right now. For more info on the latest advancements in the medicine of lifestyle change check out this video from the Cleveland Clinic

6  Stress Reduction

Studies clearly show that stress is a leading trigger for many degenerative diseases. Take time every day for deep breaths, mindfulness and relaxation. 


Adequate Sleep

Deep sleep repairs the brain, muscles, and organs. If you do not get good quality sleep please, reach out and get help. Without the foundation of restorative sleep, health will be impaired. 


Let Your Organs Rest And Detoxify

Over time the vessels in and around the body get “gummed up”. Poor food, environmental toxins, plaque, and “sludge” can impair the proper function of organs. One of the best anti-aging efforts we can do is to fast and allow the body to rest. 


Social Connections

Isolation and loneliness can affect mental, emotional, and physical health. We need human connection. Spend time with loved ones, take a class, meet new people! It’s good for you!

Treating the symptom while ignoring the cause is an outdated model that has failed a lot of people. Looking deeper, asking more questions, and connecting the dots is all part of the evolution of a more intelligent and thoughtful approach to healing. 


Refrain From Negative Self Talk

Be kind and gentle with your thoughts, if a negative thought enters, gently replace it with a positive one. If you would not say something to a friend that you know would damage your relationship, why would you say it to yourself precious self?

Check out this video!


Here Doctor Hagmeyer a Functional  M.D,  explains a more Functional approach to the all-too-common problems of fatigue, insomnia and mood disorders. Some times these symptoms are linked with a common root cause. 

Working with a Functional Medicine Health Coach can be a cost effective way of finding real solutions for on-going symptoms. 

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